About Loretta
Loretta McCarthy, also known as Earthwalker, is a seeker, writer, SoulWork Adventurer, and spiritual guide. She is passionate about the potential in “all that is” to create and evolve for the good of the whole! She helps women who are seeking deeper meaning in their lives pay attention to their heart voice and find a path to freedom that adds serenity, whimsy and action to their being and doing.
Loretta's life work has included teaching, administration, listening, prayer presence and spiritual direction. For five decades, Loretta served as a Sister of the Blessed Sacrament - ministering within urban settings in New Orleans, New York, Cleveland and Washington D.C. , founding Maisha House of Prayer in inner-city Atlanta, and holding key positions in congregational leadership and formation. She holds a Masters in Religious Education from Catholic University of America, and is certificated through both the Institute for Spiritual Leadership and Sophia Center. Loretta is also a certified Permaculture Designer. Loretta lives with her life partner at Dancing TreePeople Farm where she cares for the walnut orchard, the chickens, her own soul and all those with whom she journeys. |